Project 365 and other resolutions

Are any of you doing this Project 365 thing?

The premise is that you take a photo a day for the entire year. I completely stole the idea from my best friend, but she stole it from someone else, so all in all, I’m not feeling too terrible about my petty theft.

I’ve noticed that I feel a lot more pressure to make my life look somewhat interesting with the photo each day.

But I haven’t done anything altogether exciting this year. Yet.

So that’s among my resolutions this year.  Others include:

Invite one of my roommates out more (because she told me to make it my resolution, so I listened and obviously it’s been a pleasure and I know it will continue to be!)
Be more conscious of my spending habits
Finish rough draft and 1st revisions of my book.
Blog at least twice a week
Figure out job and living situations

I think that that’s ambitious enough for now for the moment.  New Years Resolutions are pretty much an excuse to concretely name the goals I’d probably have regardless, so I’m sure more “resolutions” will present themselves as the year progresses.

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